How it'll work?
The google calendar integration will work both way synchronization. The RISE events will be synced to google calendar and the google calendar events will be synced to RISE events calendar.
You (admin) have setup the google calendar Client ID and Client secret to enable the integration. Once you've enabled the integration, team members can enable the google calendar integration from the Events>Google calendar settings.
Enable google calendar integration:
After publishing, the status should be In production.
Copy the Authorized redirect URIs from RISE, follow the bellow screenshot and paste the URIs in the URIs input boxes. There should be 2 URIs.
Great! You are almost ready. Go back to the RISE.
Note: To remove this warning message, please click on the Learn more link. There is a process to verify your app. That's a different part and don't have anything to do in RISE.
Your google colander integration is ready to work. Now, users can integrate the google calendar from the Events page simply by login using the their gmail account.