To install new updates, go to the RISE Settings > App settings > Updates page. If a new update is available, that will be automatically downloaded. Once the download is complete, you'll get the installation link there. If there are multiple updates, please install one by one sequentially.
Before proceeding with the installation of updates, it's important to backup all files and the database.
To backup your database, go to the phpMyAdmin on your server and select the database. From there, export the database. You can backup the files through cPanel or FTP. Simply create a zip containing all the files and store that in a secure location or download that to your computer.
Sometimes you may get invalid purchase code error. Downloading updates requires a valid purchase code. To enter the purchase code, navigate to Settings > App Settings > General Settings, and re-input the purchase code there. For more info, please check this doc.
Step 1: Go to the Settings > App settings > Updates Page. If there are any new updates, you'll see new version installation links there and the updates will be downloaded automatically on your server in the /updates directory. You can find the zip files there for different version. If there are multiple versions, it's important to update all versions one after one sequentially.
Step 2: Download your desired version on your computer and extract the zip in a folder named new_updates (You can use any other name also).
Step 3: Go to your project repository. Checkout to your development branch (master).
If you don't have any repository, create a repository, then download all the files of RISE from your server and paste in the repository. Add all the files and commit.
Step 4: Create a new branch named new_updates_of_version_x (You can use any other name also) and checkout to the branch. Then copy all the files from the new_updates folder into this branch. Commit all the changes.
Step 5: Checkout to the master branch (Or your development branch). Then merge the code new_updates_of_version_x > master .
Step 6: Check if there are any conflicts. If so, fix the conflicted files and commit.
Step 7: Upload all the files (Except the execute.php and SQL file) on your server.
Step 8: If there is any SQL file, open the SQL file and add the table prefix as you've used in the /app/Config/Database.php config. Then execute the SQL commands on your database using the phpMyAdmin.
Step 9: If there is any execute.php, please open the file and check the functions for additional updates. Generally the file will contain the database update script which is not required to execute since you are updating the SQL commands manually. In addition, if there is anything, then you have to execute that on your server. In that case, remove the SQL update related code from there and keep other necessary code. Upload the file on your server, create a new method named run_new_updates in the Updates controller, then include the file in the run_new_updates method. Then go to the browser and execute the method.
Step 10: Done. Everything should work properly. If not, enable the error log for debugging.