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Change logs
Version 3.2 – 15 June, 2022
Change logs
Version 3.2 – 15 June, 2022
[Added] Same client contact can be added to multiple clients.
[Added] New module for reminders.
[Added] Invoice overview widget.
[Added] All tasks overview widget.
[Added] Team members overview widget.
[Added] Last announcement overview widget.
[Added] Projects overview widget.
[Added] Next reminder widget.
[Added] Option to add new templates for different languages.
[Added] Send email notification based on user language for available templates.
[Added] Plugin hooks in files.
[Added] Show total after discount in the invoice, estimate, order, proposal and contract.
[Added] Embeded form for lead collection from external websites.
[Added] Option to set response type after lead form submission.
[Added] Option to create internal project.
[Added] New email template for payment confirmation which are added by team members.
[Added] Option to use multi language in the custom fields.
[Added] Option to use multi language in the left menu.
[Added] Estimate sent statistics chart
[Added] New variables in the email notification templates.
[Added] Option to select client account type.
[Added] New option in gender "Other".
[Added] A print button in estimate preview.
[Updated] Don't close modal when clicking on outside.
[Updated] Income vs expenses widget.
[Updated] Ticket status widget.
[Updated] Timesheet edit permission.
[Updated] Re-design default dashboard.
[Updated] Copy the sub tasks also when create the recurring tasks.
[Updated] Copy the sub task's checklists when clone any task.
[Updated] Client should not be able to add project file categories.
[Updated] Some UI design improvement.
[Updated] Upgrade codeigniter to 4.1.9
[Updated] Serverside datatable for clients, client contacts, leads, tasks and tickets.
[Updated] Copy project settings when clone any project.
[Updated] Show attached files of contract to clients.
[Fixed] Task view time log for clients.
[Fixed] Don't print useless text in estimate request table.
[Fixed] Bug on task checklist templates and groups.
[Fixed] Custom field issue in team member's expense.
[Fixed] Contract and proposal initial serial number setting is not working.
[Fixed] Bug on the store page.
[Fixed] Error in file preview.
[Fixed] Bug in tickets.
[Fixed] Labels are not working if there is any comma.
[Fixed] Accept contract by public URL not working.
[Fixed] Item selection issue from estimate/invoice/order etc.
[Fixed] Line break isn't working in activity logs
[Fixed] Client import is not working in php 8.1.5
[Fixed] Invoice tab in client portal.
[Fixed] Ticket sorting is not working.
[Fixed] Contract clone is not working.
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