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Change logs
Version 3.5 – 29 July, 2023
Change logs
Version 3.5 – 29 July, 2023
After upgrading to v3.5, the r
ecommended php version is
[Added] Option to create custom
smart filters
[Added] Option to bookmark any smart filter and access the bookmarks by single click.
[Added] Remember lastly selected smart filter and auto apply the filter on next visit.
[Added] Smart filter added on tasks list & kanban, projects list, client list, leads list & kanban and tickets list page.
[Added] New option in invoice to create credit note.
[Added] New filter in the invoice list to see invoice/credit note.
[Added] Option to set taxable/non-taxable item on invoice.
[Added] Option to add general tasks in different contexts.
[Added] Reminders in the invoice, order, subscription, estimate, proposal and contract details page.
[Added] Tasks tab in invoice, order, subscription, estimate, proposal, contract and tickets details page.
[Added] Public page for the store.
[Added] Store setting to enable/disable the public store page.
[Added] Store setting to accept orders before login.
[Added] Store setting to accept payment after submitting order.
[Added] New settings to add new project status.
[Added] New settings to set time with task start date and deadline.
[Added] Option set task start time and deadline with time in the task add/edit modal and task details view.
[Added] Invoice yearly, monthly and custom summary reports.
[Added] Added expenses yearly, monthly and custom summary reports.
[Added] Added expenses yearly bar chart report.
[Added] Added expenses category wise pie chart report.
[Added] Project summary report based on team members.
[Added] Project summary report based on clients.
[Added] Leads to client conversion monthly bar chart report, lead source wise report and owner wise report.
[Added] Leads summary report based on team members.
[Added] Ticket statistics monthly chart report.
[Added] The owner field in leads import from an excel file.
[Added] Notes tab in team members details page.
[Added] New role permissions for activate/deactivate and delete team members.
[Added] Option to create labels for clients and leads.
[Added] Label filter in the client list, leads list and leads Kanban page.
[Added] New general settings option to set custom landing page.
[Added] Notifications for subscription started and subscription invoice creation.
[Added] Start date filter in the projects list.
[Added] Support custom domain for stripe payment.
[Added] Added breadcrumbs in knowledge base posts.
[Added] 3 new email templates.
[Added] 8 new notifications for general task events.
[Added] New option to create full width custom pages.
[Added] New option to create top bar less custom page.
[Added] New settings to set custom top menu in the public pages.
[Added] Task edit/delete option in the global task list.
[Added] Show the company switching option in mobile view in the client portal.
[Added] Task settings option to support 0 in task points.
[Added] Cleanup function to remove old session data by cron job.
[Updated] Invoice, order, estimate, proposal, contract, subscription and ticket details page design.
[Updated] Prevent editing of invoice/order/estimate/proposal/contract after certain state.
[Updated] Upgraded codeigniter to latest v4.3.6.
[Updated] Upgraded pusher library to latest version.
[Updated] Improve the invoice overview and other widgets loading time.
[Updated] The Reports submenus are deleted and moved to the top bar of the Reports page.
[Updated] The design of filters on all pages.
[Updated] Updated the events widget design.
[Updated] Design of knowledge base pages.
[Updated] Improved IMAP checking speed.
[Updated] Google API client to latest version.
[Updated] Moved footer settings to a tab beside the general settings.
[Updated] Hide unnecessary settings of disabled modules.
[Updated] Don’t show more than 100 rows in table for server side filtering tables.
[Fixed] Task comments pdf attachment preview.
[Fixed] Recurring task creation is not working.
[Fixed] Can’t remember lastly selected dashboard.
[Fixed] Sometimes the email sent from address is missing in the email settings page.
[Fixed] Error in max file size checking.
[Fixed] Events widget is not showing all upcoming events.
[Fixed] Sometimes the project task deadline reminder is not working.
[Fixed] Dashboard widget height for mobile view.
[Fixed] Google calendar doesn’t show multi day event correctly.
[Fixed] Text after % is not working in description.
[Fixed] Multiple image uploading is not working in rich text editor.
[Fixed] Orders sort is not working by ID
[Fixed] Public invoice URL is not working in recurring invoice email.
[Fixed] Reminder saving error when there is any google calendar integration.
[Fixed] RISE shared events are changing to private because of google calendar integration
[Fixed] Send invoices and contracts using recipient user’s language
[Fixed] Don’t show inactive category/articles in the knowledge base.
[Fixed] First billing date is not working with subscription.
[Fixed] Don’t show time in the calendar event if don’t have any time.
[Fixed] Add invoice payment modal shows wrong decimal separator.
[Fixed] Ticket assign bug for some non-admin users.
[Fixed] Modal closing bug when editing a link (summernote) from any modal.
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